On Manifestation 🦋
Manifesting is actually defined as co-creating; is is the practice of bringing about something that you cannot yet see.
I would consider, quite boldly, myself to be a powerful ‘manifester’. No, not because I am gifted or special, but just that most of the things I believe are going to happen, or become truth, I tend to speak about (a lot, as my friends will vouch for) until they become reality.
This of course does not always happen - you cannot say for example, that the sky is going to turn green, and then talk about it a lot and expect the sky to become green. The key, at least in my experience, is to rather manifest things that you personally are able to influence.
Through initially as a teen practising manifestation quite unconsciously - I have come to realise just how powerful a practice it is. I came to this realisation as I made the connection between a lot of unfavourable thoughts and beliefs about things I held, and the negative impact these had on my reality. For example, if I were to think “oh, I can’t go to the seaside, because I’ll look like a beached whale” then this indeed was quickly processed as my reality- I wouldn’t go to the beach.
I personally don’t think ‘manifestation’ is as difficult as we think it is, or an art you have to master. I instead accept manifestation as a part of everyday life.
You may have heard the phrase ‘speak it into existence’ and that is essentially it. It’s one thing to think about something a lot, but to actively put it out into the world by speaking it, it’s an incredibly powerful action.
I think this is partly why mantras are so influential. The act of not only thinking something, but speaking it out loud… it holds value. It becomes not an intangible thought, but rather something for our ears to hear, something we can process for ourselves. Something easier to believe.
This is the same for writing things out -our brains have to process the thought in order for us to document it. It has to become fully formulated in order for us to make it a coherent sentence. This process of writing down a thought… it validates it in a way. Even just by writing, we have started the process of co-creating, or rather of manifesting.
So my advice for now is if you really want to manifest something, make sure you choose your words carefully, and that it is for your highest will and good. Write it down and speak about it and just by doing so, you will already be planting the seed for you and the universe to grow it.
Song for this post: The Power- Snap!
Art: Sanela Estrella
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