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On Manifestation 🦋

Manifesting is actually defined as co-creating; is is the practice of bringing about something that you cannot yet see.   I would consider, quite boldly, myself to be a powerful ‘manifester’. No, not because I am gifted or special, but just that most of the things I believe are going to happen, or become truth, I tend to speak about (a lot, as my friends will vouch for) until they become reality. This of course does not always happen - you cannot say for example, that the sky is going to turn green, and then talk about it a lot and expect the sky to become green. The key, at least in my experience, is to rather manifest things that you personally are able to influence.   Through initially as a teen practising manifestation quite unconsciously - I have come to realise just how powerful a practice it is. I came to this realisation as I made the connection between a lot of unfavourable thoughts and beliefs about things I held, and the negative impact these had on my reality. For...

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